At Sydney CBD, we have a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of foot and lower leg problems.

The Best Way To Treat Athletes Foot

athlete's foot

The Best Way To Treat Athletes Foot

Athlete’s foot, or Tinea Pedia, is a skin disease. A fungus causes it, and the problem typically occurs between the toes. However, other areas of the feet can also get affected by it. The dampness and water in areas around locker rooms, showers, and swimming pools become the perfect environment for fungus to thrive. This infection was prevalent in athletes that used these spaces frequently, which is where the term “athlete’s foot” originated.

This fungus can also attack the feet when you wear closed footwear for extended periods. The shoes create a moist, dark, and warm environment that is ideal for fungal growth. However, it is essential to know that not every fungal infection is athlete’s foot. Many other conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema may also have symptoms similar to athlete’s foot.

Symptoms of Athlete’s Foot

There are many different symptoms of athlete’s foot, including:

  • Peeling/scaling skin
  • Dry-looking skin
  • Burning and itching sensation between the toes – this can increase rapidly when the infection spreads to other sections of the feet
  • Swelling or inflammation
  • Blisters that often lead to peeling/cracking skin on the toes and feet.
  • When the blisters break, they expose small raw tissue areas that can result in swelling.
  • Athlete’s foot can spread to the sole as well as into the toenails.
  • It can also spread to various other parts of the body if the person scratches the infection and then touch themselves elsewhere.
  • The organisms that cause athlete’s foot can linger on the skin for long periods.


When Is It Essential To See A Podiatrist?

If the symptoms mentioned above persist for over a fortnight, you must see a podiatrist. Early intervention can help to ensure that the problem is resolved faster. While there are many OTC medicines and products to treat athlete’s foot, the treatment that a specialized podiatry centre provides will be more effective. Most topical creams contain ingredients that aren’t effective in treating the area where the fungus is. It’s why most prove to be useless even after extensive use.

When you use the medication your podiatrist prescribes, it helps to attack the fungus quickly and prevents it from spreading. The podiatrist will prescribe either an oral or topical anti-fungal drugs. If the expert finds that it isn’t a fungus but bacteria that is causing the infection, they may prescribe an antibiotic as part of the treatment.

Other Aspects of the Treatment for Athlete’s Foot

  • The podiatrist will also work with you and check for other problems in your feet if you suffer from diabetes. Neuropathy and reduced blood flow can also aggravate the problem, and they will address these issues as well.
  • It’s essential to keep your feet dry at all times. The podiatrist will prescribe a dusting powder to help in this respect. You would have to use this powder in your shoes and socks as well.
  • Bathe your feet frequently and make sure that you dry your toes and the areas around then thoroughly.
  • The results of the treatment will be evident in 2-4 weeks, depending on how severe the infection is.
  • Even if you notice that the rash has vanished, it’s essential that you continue taking the medication for the prescribed period, because the fungus may still be present.
  • If a family member in your home develops athlete’s foot, ensure you disinfect the shower and tub after each use. This discourages transmission of the infection.

We offer tailored treatment options for various feet-related problems, including athlete’s foot. For information on our podiatry services, at Sydney Sports Podiatry, feel free to contact us at either one of our locations.

Thanks for reading,
Sydney Sports Podiatry
1300 474 306