At Sydney CBD, we have a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of foot and lower leg problems.

Do I Need Custom-Made Orthotics?

do i need custom made orthotics

Do I Need Custom-Made Orthotics?

Orthotics are unique foot cushions that can remedy different types of issues in your stride. In some cases, these are a short-term fix. But they can also be used as long-term corrective implements. Orthotics can help with everything from alleviating chronic foot pain to improving your gait and walking pain-free.

Do I Need Orthotics?

If you continuously experience foot discomfort or pain, you might be wondering whether you need orthotics. If you notice problems in the soles of your feet while performing certain activities or experience discomfort when wearing certain types of shoes, there could be a problem with your feet’s positioning.

Over time, this can cause you to develop posture problems which, in turn, can result in irritation and pain in the feet. Foot health is a crucial aspect of your overall health. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, you must consult a certified and experienced podiatrist without delay.

The very first thing the expert will do is conduct a detailed check of your foot health, surface symptoms like nail and skin problems, your posture as well as any underlying issues. Once they have a clear idea of your foot health, they will explore whether you would benefit from using custom orthotics.

The Feet Assessment

The podiatrist will first test the range of motion and muscle strength of your feet. Sometimes, they may use 3D laser scanners to assess the detailed contours of each foot. This will give them correct images of the shape of your feet. They will use these digital images in combination with the clinical examination findings. It helps them detect the spots that are being subjected to excessive pressure when you walk, stand or run.

Since running and walking involve repetitive motions, even the relatively minor issues in your feet can slowly develop into chronic, painful problems which impact your posture and gait. The 3D scans capture the exact arches and contours of your feet. This helps the podiatrists to order custom-made orthotics that are specifically designed to support your feet.

Why Are Custom-Made Orthotics Better Than Off-The-Shelf Products?

The proper treatment of any foot discomfort and pain involves correcting your foot posture and reducing excessive pressure. Custom-made orthotics conform to the precise contours of your feet, creating the perfect fit with the arches. These carefully designed orthotics provide excellent support as you walk, run or stand. They also reduce unwanted pressure & friction on muscles, joints, tendons, and joints.

How Your Feet Affect Your Back, Hips and Knees

The human body is a very complex and intricate mechanism. Any problem in one part of it can potentially affect other parts. So, problems with the feet can result in an imbalance in your hips, thighs, lower legs, and your lower back. It’s why your podiatrist will have a detailed consultation with you to understand whether you are feeling any pain in various parts of your body.

A good podiatrist will create a detailed treatment plan that could include some exercises, lifestyle changes and in most cases, custom orthotics too. These help enhance the balance and strength of your body.

Consult a Certified and Reputed Podiatrist

Always consult an experienced podiatrist who would be able to provide you personalized attention, expert professional advice and a custom plan to alleviate the foot discomfort and pain you are experiencing.

If you have noticed any problems with your feet, contact a reputed podiatrist immediately. For any more information on our podiatry services at Sydney Sports Podiatry, feel free to contact us at either one of our locations today.

If you have noticed any problems with your feet, contact a reputed podiatrist immediately immediately. For any more information on our podiatry services at Sydney Sports Podiatry, feel free to contact us at either one of our locations today.

Thanks for reading,
Sydney Sports Podiatry
1300 474 306