At Sydney CBD, we have a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of foot and lower leg problems.

Foot Health Tips For Diabetics

foot health tips for diabetics

Foot Health Tips For Diabetics

Diabetes poses a real danger to your feet. People with diabetes know well how even the smallest of injuries can result in serious health problems and the consequences of diabetes are many. Nerve damage can create numbness in your feet. The reduced flow of blood to the feet makes it pretty difficult for the body to prevent infections as well.

Due to these problems, you might not feel the presence of a small object stuck in your shoe and this can end up causing a blister or sore in your foot. A wound may not heal quickly if there is an infection which puts you at risk of a foot amputation. Here are some tips to care for your diabetes and feet.

#1 Track Your Blood Sugar Level

  • Be in contact with your health care team to ensure that your blood sugar is within the prescribed range

#2 Daily Feet Check

  • Check your feet daily for any swelling, cuts, redness, or blisters, etc.
  • Check the soles of your feet using a mirror to make sure that there are no abrasions

#3 Keep Your Feet Clean

  • Clean your feet in warm water using a disinfectant soap everyday
  • Dry the spaces between your toes everyday

#4 Ensure Your Skin Is Smooth And Soft

  • Rub skin lotion over all areas of your feet except for the space between the toes

#5 Gentle Smoothen Corns And Calluses

  • Use a pumice stone to remove corns and calluses.

#6 Trim Toenails Regularly

  • Trim your toenails and file the edges to ensure that no dirt gathers in the nails

#7 Protect Your Feet

  • Always use footwear
  • Wearing socks and comfortable shoes is the best way to keep your feet protected.
  • Check your shoes for small foreign objects that can hurt your feet
  • Wear shoes even at the beach or while walking on a hot pavement
  • Wear socks while getting to bed to keep your feet warm

#8 Ensure Blood Flow To Your Feet

  • Keep your feet raised when seated
  • Exercise your feet by either wriggling or rotating your ankles for about 5 minutes twice a day
  • Don’t sit for long periods with crossed legs

#9 This is helpful

  • Avoid smoking
  • Maintain an active lifestyle
  • If necessary consult your physician about your physical activity program

#10 Get Your Feet Checked By Your Doctor

  • Let your doctor do a complete check of your feet for any symptoms of a problem. Always see your doctor if you have a cut, any injury or blister on your feet that doesn’t heal within a day. Caution is most important for a diabetic.

Do not defer starting on a good foot care regimen. Fix a time for your daily feet check and make this part and parcel of your lifestyle.

The Role Of Podiatry In Diabetes Care

Podiatry (foot care) needs to be an integral aspect of diabetes management, and yet it remains one of the most neglected areas with most people.

Why People With Diabetes Need Podiatry

  • Diabetes complications can affect the health of your feet
  • Feet are most susceptible to injury
  • Diabetes results in poor circulation which in turn impacts the manner in which the body heals
  • Diabetes results in peripheral neuropathy or nerve damage
  • People suffering from diabetes are more prone to infection
  • Diabetes results in stiffness in joints.


The Dangers Of Poor Podiatry

Diabetics need to be extremely careful about even a minor injury to the feet. Poor foot care will not help to identify problems in the initial stages. Some common problems that can arise, include:

  • Foot infections
  • Charcot’s joints
  • Foot damage
  • Foot sores
  • Amputation

Be in touch with your podiatrist. They play a vital, preventive role in your diabetes care and management. A podiatrist’s presence at every stage is essential, be it prevention, identifying any foot problem and dealing with it.

For information on our podiatry services, at Sydney Sports Podiatry, feel free to contact us at either one of our locations.

Thanks for reading,
Sydney Sports Podiatry
1300 474 306