At Sydney CBD, we have a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of foot and lower leg problems.

Garrison health

Garrison health

The podiatrists at SYDNEY SPORTS PODIATRY are registered as podiatry providers to Garrison Health and proudly treat members of the Australian Defence Force.


Our principal podiatrist Andrew Bull is a Reserve- listed Army Reserve Infantry Officer for 12 years. He is extremely experienced with the rigours of carrying heavy loads over long distances, and the affects this can have on feet and legs.


Andrew has treated many defence force personnel and knows the requirements of effectiveness, comfort and especially durability. Although our orthotics are very comfortable, it is pointless and ineffective creating extremely soft orthotics from very soft foams which compress within a few weeks. We refer to these as “Placebothotics”, and if you’ve ever had a pair, you probably found them comfortable enough, but ineffective in dealing with foot, leg or knee pain within a short period of time. Good for business, bad for the patient…..

When you are referred by your RMO, please remember to bring shorts, shoes, boots and any relevant scans such as ultrasounds, X-rays and MRI’s especially the reports.


We are happy to discuss any military referrals beforehand with Medical Officers or defence health providers at: andrew@canteendemo.com