At Sydney CBD, we have a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of foot and lower leg problems.

How a Podiatrist Can Help With Ingrown Toenails

how a podiatrist can help with ingrown toenails

How a Podiatrist Can Help With Ingrown Toenails

Whether you are a runner that has hurt their toenail or someone who has groomed their toenails too aggressively, ingrowns are an unsightly and prevalent issue. The good news is that they are also quite easy to fix unless you have vascular disease or are diabetic. In these cases, it’s never a good idea to opt for DIY treatments, and you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Some Home Remedies

Ingrown toenails can turn into more significant problems for individuals with these issues. But you can try some remedies at home if you do not suffer from these health conditions:

  • Take a Soak – Fill up a large bowl/bathtub with sufficient warm water. Add 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts for every litre of water. Soak the foot for about 20 minutes at least twice a day. This helps to draw out any fluids that might be under your nail. When you are dealing with an infection, Epsom salts are particularly soothing.
  • Massage – A good soak will make your skin quite pliable so you should now gently massage the skin back from the affected nail. This will give it some space to grow properly over the skin.
  • An Extra Step – Now take a tiny ball of cotton and stick it underneath your nail. The piece should be firm enough to fit beneath the section if the nail that’s growing into your skin. Keep a little tail of cotton outside so you can take it out easily when you need to replace it. The cotton helps to prop the nail up so that it can grow properly over the skin, rather than getting caught under it. Replace the ball of cotton every few days or after every soak if you like. After placing the cotton, you also have the option to apply a bit of antibiotic ointment if you notice some warmth, swelling or redness; all of these are signs of infection.

Steps To Take In Case You Don’t Notice Improvement

If you do not see any improvement within seven days or if you feel the problem is worsening, you’d need to see a podiatrist without delay. All it takes is a simple in-house procedure to treat this problem. It involves numbing the affected toe and removing a small section of the nail. The podiatrist will also treat infections that should never be left untreated as the infection can quickly spread to the bones.

How to Avoid Ingrown Nails

If you get your nail clipping technique right, it can help prevent them from ingrowing. Cut nails straight across and then smooth out the corners very gently so that the sharp edges don’t pierce your skin. If you cut the nail corners too far back, the skin slowly grows over their edges, and the nail cannot grow out. If you lose an entire toenail, whether because your shoes are too small, you dropped something on your toes, or you are a tennis player or runner, it is likely to grow back incorrectly. As the nail grows back, massage the area gently; this will give it adequate space to grow back. It’s also essential to know things fungal infections can lead to ingrown toenails if you don’t attend to it and get it treated without delay. Always consult a reputed and experienced podiatrist as soon as you notice any signs of an ingrown nail.

If you have noticed any problems with your feet, contact a reputed podiatrist immediately. For information on our services at Sydney Sports Podiatry, feel free to contact us at either one of our locations.

Thanks for reading,
Sydney Sports Podiatry
1300 474 306